Sunday, August 06, 2006


Axel's "graduation ceremony" was held on the 30th July 2006. He received a canine good citizen medal, a certificate and a packet of ProPlan dog food for adult dog. The "ceremony" was delayed for about 1.5 hours, but Axel was not really bothered by that. He was basically very happy to meet up his old friends. It was us, the owners who became very agitated by the delay. Below are some of the pictures taken that day.

Axel frolicking on the grass. He usually only frolics on my apartment's broken marble floor.

Axel's classmates. From left: Bruno the schnauzer, Axel the pug, Mandarin the labrador and Zippy the lab/retriever.

"Wow...who is that hot huchimama?!!!"

The medal

Axel and his medal

1 comment:

Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

Wow - congratulations! Axel looks very handsome and distinguished.