Saturday, June 30, 2007

Extreme Makeover

No no's not the extreme makeover for Axel or for myself. I guess without Axel around, I just got too bored and decided to do an extreme makeover of "Axel the Pug" blog. Hope you guys like this better. I certainly do.....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pugless Syndrome

Gan's mom and sister missed Axel and asked me to bring him over to their place for a week or two. So last weekend I brought him there and left him with them. I will only be collecting him back at the end of this week.

My apartment seems to be so "cold" without him. Usually when I sit on my couch in front of the TV, he would be there lying at my feet. When he got bored lying there, he would go and get his favourite toy (a rubber wheel) and nudge me to play fetch. If I get up to go anywhere, he would without fail tail me around.

It's just not the same when he is away. Feels kinda this what you call as the "pugless" syndrome?

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Celebrity Look-A-Like

Recently I checked out this pug blog titled "A day in the life of our Pugs" by Manda Girl. You can find the link in my Favourite Pug Blogs.

In one of her postings called "Celebrity Look-A-Like", Manda Girl found celebrity look-a-like for her pugs, Meimei and Miko. When reading this blog, I immediately knew who Axel's Celebrity Look-A-Like is. See below and let me know whether you agree.......;-)

Axel's celebrity look-a-like is Wallace Shawn! More information of Wallace Shawn -> (